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Friday, October 28, 2011

Utility Bills?

Anyone mind sharing how much their utility bills have been like since they moved into their Ryan Home?  I am so curious because I am trying to draft up a budget and have only 2 examples to go by which one was super cheap and the other was kind of on the high side.


  1. I won't mind providing you the info, but we haven't gotten our first bills this really isn't a good time of year to get a good feel for the bills...the first week or so we were it was hot and rainy and with all the moving and deliveries the doors were open a bunch of the time and we found the humidity level in the house was high and the AC ran more then it normally would. After the first couple weeks the temperatures dropped and we haven't had to run the AC at all. In the last week or so we have had the heat on for the second floor, but turned way down...main floor and basement did not have anything running until we turned the heat on today, but still turned way down. Temperature is supposed to plunge tonight and we are supposed to get snow tomorrow. Will let you know as we get our first bills though.

  2. I have a Milan model, with morning room, no basement. Total sq ft just below 2700.

    We moved the last weekend in July and the temps were literally over 100 degrees here with the heat index in 110's. Yup. HOT!

    Our first electric bill was $160. This month it's $90. Our last place was 10 years old and only 1900 sq ft and our bills have been btwn $40-$60 less a month.

    Since watering out lawn, our water bill has been about $200. We aren't doing that anymore, so I'm curious as to what it will be like now. Waiting on that bill.

    Gas runs us about $25 a month I think right now.

    Don't know if any of that helps you or not. But there it is for you. =)

  3. @ Noey those figures look really good we are in a 1900 sq ft 40 yr old home now and on an average plan so the bills are out $165 gas, $175 electric, and $125 water. The new house is about 4400 sq ft so I am hoping that we come out to about the same that we are paying out now if not a little more. Less would best ofcourse.

    @BD thanks for sharing that and your right sounds like it wouldnt be a good time to figure out what it would be on average. You all have duel zone and 2 cooling units but we dont we have only one and a huge system in the basement that as it was explained to me can handle the entire house. We will be able to control the temperature from upstairs though. Cant remember if we will be able to have 2 seperate climates set on different levels or not though.

  4. Not going to be much our first gas was $16.30 and $13 of that is a fixed rate...$3.23 of actual gas usage...

  5. Yes, but we will see what the next few months look like as the temperatures drop. Our main floor and basement have a gas furnace...we upgraded to a 90% efficient unit so hopefully that helps. Just now starting to use the fireplaces a little bit too. We also got our first electric/water/sewer/trash bill(all comes as a single itemized bill from the township) only covers 21 days though...will try to remember to post that info too.

  6. For our Courtland 4400 sq ft:
    Electric: 1st $200, second $150 (1st bill included application/start up fee)

    Water haven't recieved yet:
    Gas bill was: $35 not including the start up fee. This month we ran the heat and gas fire place so when I get the new bill, it should reflect the true price for fall/ winter...but summer is dirt $35

  7. Thanks Chelly & BD! That is very close to what I am paying now but much less house so this is awesome news! I will post my bill amounts too just so we can compair notes.

  8. Our town provides electric, water, sewer, and trash billing...first month's bill which I think was actually for 21 days is as follows:
    Avalon: 6144 sq ft.
    Water - $9.32 - sprinkler system not running yet
    Sewer - $9.32
    Electric - $138.77
    Trash - $20.50 - includes recycling pickup

    Next month's bill should be a better representative since we have been running the heat so will increase the gas and electric.
